Digital Attention Index®

Get a clear and complete view of your brand's performance across all Digital Channels.

We are specialist in tracking and measuring the digital footprint of the consumers.

We unify all of your consumers' digital touchpoints into a single metric (DAI) that measures your brand's digital attention share with the goal of accelerating your Brand Equity and market penetration.


Our goal is to make the consumer's digital footprint (invisible) visible, transforming it into a source of competitive advantage for brands:

1 Strengthening the link between brand and consumer
2 Helping to increase brand equity and market penetration

We solve the 3 great challenges of marketing:

1 Hyperfragmentation: marketing is more fragmented and changing than ever.

2 Dispersion: LAttention is an increasingly precious resource.

3 Surfing the great technological wave. Knowing and measuring the social impact of the technology to come.

Traditional metrics are no longer sufficient to understand the complexities of the digital age and this new universe.



This fragmented approach often results in an incomplete view, missing crucial and critical details. Moreover, this data is sometimes unreliable and slow to obtain, delaying important decisions and preventing the complete and immediate vision that such a fluid reality requires.

We created the Digital Attention Index (DAI), a game-changing AI-powered solution: it cohesively integrates these diverse and changing data streams, offering a complete, balanced and detailed perspective of the digital landscape.

Our technology integrates Ecosystems

Through our own tool "Epsilon Icarus Analytics", we map the digital footprint of the consumers in an integrated way through the 8 ecosystems.

Logo epsilon Icarius Analytics

1 SEO & Search

2Social Media

3Social Listening

4Web & App




8Paid Media

Through an integrated reading of the 8 ecosystems and applying our DDD (Digital Due Diligence) y DAI (Digital Attention Index) methodologies, we solve the following business challenges:

Omnichannel Strategy


We measure, in an integrated way, the share of attention of your brand in each of the ecosystems through AI to decipher its role and connection from an integrated vision.

Where and how the brands invest?

Which part of my strategy is building real touch points with the consumer?

Content Engagement


We analyze the interaction generated on the content of your brands vs. the competition to define a more precise and differentiated communication strategy:

1 Narrative map analysis
2 Best practices detection
3 Creative Content hubs
4 Best platforms analysis
5 Sentiments
6 Frequencies
7 KPIs framework

Consumer Insights


We process and structure all the comments generated by the consumers about the category through AI, with the objective of extracting actionable insights over the patterns which define a better consumer experience with the brand.

1 CX axes of the brand ( flavor (taste?),health, price, availability…)
2 Sentiment and reactions
3 Spontaneous conversations